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Este tema de discusión ha sido creado automáticamente para la petición POR QUE LA UNESCO NO DECLARE LOS TOROS PATRIMONIO DE LA HUMANIDAD.
Huésped |
#40512014-05-23 14:55Enough is enough times of change are now.Draconian treatment for sole purpose of entertainment must end immediatly. |
Huésped |
#40532014-05-23 18:37No act of frivolous cruelty should be protected in the name of culture and tradition. Would we accept acts of barbarism towards human beings for such reasons? I don't think so. Animal welfare needs to be treated the same way. |
Huésped |
#40542014-05-23 20:14I'm from a country where there were many barbaric rituals and traditions like Sati, Slavery, Dowry, Female infanticide etc. but eventually people realized that these were uncivilized, barbaric traditions and stopped following or supporting them. We have evolved and so can Spain. Stop This Atrocious Torture. Stop Bullfighting. Save not only the bulls from pain but even the undeserving bullfighters. I pledge to boycott all countries where bullfighting and any form of animal torture is legal. I will encourage others to take this pledge too. |
Huésped |
#40552014-05-23 21:38Disgusting. For shame. Not all cultural activities from the Middle Ages need be continued into the Modern Age. Bullfighting does nothing for the world's opinion of Spain. |
Huésped |
#40562014-05-24 00:46this is barbaric, cruel, & psychopathic......it must stop NOW. There is no reason on earth, no matter how it may be tradition for your Spaniards! How can you live with yourselves after the torture and murder of such a magnificent beast? Blood thirsty Barbarians! Stop the CRUELTY! What's wrong with you people? |
Huésped |
#40572014-05-24 10:22Bullfighting is digusting we do not live in the dark ages and this must be stopped. I am happy and pleased when I hear a matador has been hurt its what he deserves, it gives him a small taste of what the bull has to go through. |
Huésped |
#40582014-05-24 12:05When we stop this utterly primitive and criminal behaviour, that turns people into monsters, maybe that we can finally start learning how to be civilized. |
Huésped |
#40602014-05-24 16:44Torture and death of bulls is in no way art and culture ! I would be ashamed of being a human if corrida were to be declared "patrimoine de l'humanité" !!! UNESCO must not promote the deaths of any animals or living beings ! UNESCO must promote rights and life ! |
Huésped |
#40612014-05-24 23:11this is a truly barbaric practice and does not belong in our modern world today. There is no consideration given to the animals welfare and it is only a show for the bloodthirsty audience! |
Huésped |
#40622014-05-25 01:04This may have been considered part of a 'cultural' event years ago, but the days of blood sport as a spectacle in this day and age where an animal is tortured and slaughtered in front of a crowd is just horrific in the extreme. The reality of seeing an animal spurting, oozing blood while its body is pierced with spears and swords is just too barbaric to be believed. People argue that we slaughter animals for food all the time, this is true, but we have laws that killing any animal must be done in a humane manner.Please reconsider this practice as no longer suitable for the enlightened age we live in where the majority of the world finds it horrific in the extreme. Thank you. |
Huésped |
#40632014-05-25 15:27Just stop this barbaric so called sport, which it is not. We are supposed to be a civilized nation, lets start acting and behaving like one |
Huésped |
#40642014-05-26 07:30Cruel bull fighting must be stopped NOW! Animal cruelty for entertainment is barbaric and outdated. I will never visit a country that participates in animal cruelty! |
Huésped |
#40652014-05-26 09:29Corridas de Toros:Ni Arte Ni Cultura es Tortura y Vergüenza Nacional de esta Barbarie |
Huésped |
#40662014-05-26 13:20Bullfighting is barbaric and inhumane. The bull doesn't stand a chance and the goal is to violently kill an innocent animal penned in trying to defend itself under undue stress and injury. The taking of any life is wrong if it is done inhumanly. This practice in the name of "sport" must be stopped. |
Huésped |
#40672014-05-26 15:35The regal bull should not be subjected to such outdated, barbaric, and cruel practices. It is time for Spain to embrace the mighty bull as a positive and friendly symbol. No one truly can say that a matador's life is heroic. If the matador wishes to be a hero of the 21st Century, he will put an end to the horrific practice of bullfighting, and put the mighty bull up on a national pedestal, where it now belongs. Bulls have suffered in Spain long enough. God cannot be pleased that bullfighting continues, and matadors need to stop hurting these precious animals. |
Huésped |
#40682014-05-28 18:56No creature should suffer for anyone's entertainment. Torture can never be culture. Bullfighting tarnishes Spain's image in the world. |
Huésped |
#40692014-05-29 12:41this bull fighting is barbaric evil and sick. shame more matadors dont get stabbed with the bulls horns . karma is a sweet revenge |
#40732014-06-03 11:30PARA QUE LA UNESCO NO DECLARE LOS TOROS PATRIMONIO DE LA HUMANIDAD // english: TO DECLARE THAT BULLS NOT! UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE // french: De Declare qu'il: BULLS pas! UNESCO DU PATRIMOINE Citer expresar mi más profundo rechazo a que las corridas de toros y/o los festejos taurinos populares puedan ser declarados Patrimonio Intangible de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, ya que (de acuerdo al artículo 2 de sus estatutos) no es compatible con dicha patrimonio. |
Huésped |
#40742014-06-03 21:00Ces assassins de taureaux me donnent envie de vomir ! Il faut être une ordure finie pour faire souffrir les animaux. Ces gens sont de véritables nazis ! |
Yo apoyo al juez Eloy Velasco
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