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Este tema de discusión ha sido creado automáticamente para la petición POR QUE LA UNESCO NO DECLARE LOS TOROS PATRIMONIO DE LA HUMANIDAD.
Huésped |
#19512012-07-27 14:19This lady kills baby bulls for a living and thinks it's fun. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=365836810151037&set=a.216201598447893.48092.152547194813334&type=1 She has a FB page but keeps on removing all negative comments. We need to get this out. She is so proud of herself for killing bulls https://www.facebook.com/pages/S%C3%B3nia-Matias/240900458202 |
Kage |
#1952 Stop the killing2012-07-27 14:19This lady kills baby bulls for a living and thinks it's fun. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=365836810151037&set=a.216201598447893.48092.152547194813334&type=1 She has a FB page but keeps on removing all negative comments. We need to get this out. She is so proud of herself for killing bulls https://www.facebook.com/pages/S%C3%B3nia-Matias/240900458202 |
Huésped |
#19532012-07-27 14:28Yet another element of cruelty added to bullfighting...no...bulltorturing. Using baby cows to practice spearing?! How helpless is any baby. The photo of the cowardly woman spearing a baby cow is just pathetic. |
Huésped |
#19552012-07-27 14:48the're is nothing heroic about killing creatures for sports or for fun, it is Barbaric. |
Huésped |
#19562012-07-27 15:17Stop the blood Shows, please, is not human, is not good for future and its medieval too. |
Huésped |
#19582012-07-27 16:07Disgusting, those who torture animals for fun seriously need to be put away, this type of behavior is not acceptable. |
Huésped |
#19602012-07-27 17:04It´s a matter of the most elementary justice to have bullfights banned all over the world ! |
Huésped |
Huésped |
#19622012-07-27 17:40Por un Mundo mejor, no al maltrato animal, no a las corridas de toros. |
Huésped |
#19632012-07-27 17:44I just saw the most horrific picture on this blood sport with a young woman practicing by throwing a pico or arpon into what appears to be a calf! There is no need for this blood sport any more in any country! |
Huésped |
#19642012-07-27 18:03IT IS DISGUSTING. As bad as hunting Elephants, Lions, Tigers - etc... all cruelty to animals should be banned world-wide!! |
Huésped |
#19652012-07-27 18:06This barbarism must end! Where is our respect and compassion for all living beings? |
Ru's mum Huésped |
#19662012-07-27 18:08i have never seen anything so horrific as the photo's on the petition page, how anyone can call themselves human after inflicting that much pain and carnage in the disguise of entertainment is totally beyond me. it also beggars belief that folk can watch this utterly disgusting despicable cruelty.... national sport??? pah!!! national disgrace more like..and thats' putting it mildy! shame on those that "perform" and shame on those that watch.you are all totally sick and despicable!!!! |
Huésped |
#19672012-07-27 18:12what you call "tradition and culture" are only barbarian acts! it's the evidence that you still are those wild primates as 2000 years ago, the only thing who has changed is your unability to understand and appreciate life in her multiple forms. |
Huésped |
#19682012-07-27 18:26Animals would never to that to other animals for fun, fame and money! STOP the killing and torturing of poor innocent creatures! |
Huésped |
#19702012-07-27 18:44I know that some human beings don't seem to have much if any compassion where animals are concerned but this is cruelty beyond belief - it's not even a fair fight! |
Huésped |
#19722012-07-27 19:19Me siento avergonzado de ser español cuando relacionan España con la fiesta de los toros. Es indignante que sea la fiesta nacional. Soy español y Odio el maltrato animal. |
Huésped |
#19732012-07-27 19:28my country would never do this insane stupid shit just for nothing you all our sick evil scums pussy cowards!!!! will never come to visit your nasty puke country until you stop bull fighting its not fighng the bulls our already abused before theyare even in the ring and the poor horses that get killed shame on allof you lame asses and sicko people that get hurt killed who gives a hell yeah for the bull for charging them i hpe they all die the sub humans who kill thee innocent bulls go to hell spinless cowards punks!!! |
Huésped |
#19752012-07-27 19:36You have such a lovely country and people and culture. Why must blood of innocent animals as well as some humans be part of it? It's disgraceful and I have no respect for you continuing this torture in this day and age. Shame on you! |
Yo apoyo al juez Eloy Velasco
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