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Este tema de discusión ha sido creado automáticamente para la petición POR QUE LA UNESCO NO DECLARE LOS TOROS PATRIMONIO DE LA HUMANIDAD.
Huésped |
#15512012-05-01 23:34The practice of bullfighting makes me think twice about visiting your country as a tourist |
Huésped |
#15522012-05-01 23:41Cruel cruel cruel - not a sport just cruel. Bull fighting is a cowardly act against a defenceless animal. |
Huésped |
#15532012-05-01 23:49Inflicting pain and lingering death for the entertainment of humans is pornography. A snuff movie no less. Sick and depraved. I'm no veggie sentimentalist who anthropormorphises but this is simply extreme cruelty. |
Huésped |
#15542012-05-02 01:20The animals must be protected from this "fiesta" horror we are in the XXI century and this is to cruel to continue !! |
Huésped |
Huésped |
#15582012-05-02 04:06This is pure evil. The torture and murder of animals is not "sport!" Please end it now. |
Huésped |
#15592012-05-02 06:40Please ... For a better future we concentrate to life! Animal abuse is a prelude to violence and crime .... No more killing of innocents. No more use of power over a dim. No blood or death, please. To leave a legacy to our children who are tomorrow's future. Por favor ... Por un futuro mejor apostemos a la vida!!! El maltrato animal es antesala de violencia y delincuencia.... No más muertes de inocentes. No más aprovechamiento de poder sobre un dévil. No más sangre ni muerte, por favor. Para dejar un mejor legado a nuestros niños que son el futuro de mañana |
Huésped |
#15602012-05-02 12:32Bullfightinh needs to be stopped. It is unnesscary suffering that shouldn't be apart of anyone's culture. |
steve1 ads |
#1562 The Apprentice Season 8 Episode 72012-05-02 13:01The Apprentice Season 8 Episode 7 going to air today..so don't miss this show........... Watch The Apprentice Season 8 Episode 7 Online free streaming with just one click................. http://theapprenticeseason8episode7.beeplog.com |
Huésped |
#15642012-05-02 17:26is it not bad enough that Spain kills all its beautiful animals in a slow + sadistic way, the bulls, the beautiful horses that they force to also go into the ring with the bulls. The Galgos, killed by the hands of the Spanish in the most sick + barbaric ways possible, even the KING, a man, ment to set good examples to his countryman, shoots the innocent wide life we are slowly losing + once gone, the children of the future will only see in pictures, what a sick country, full of sick minded ignorant people who get a thrill from seeing animals suffer + die, is this what we call 'humans', if so, I'm ashamed to be one, a christian country, full of sick hypocrites!!!!!! |
Huésped |
#15662012-05-02 20:29Savegery and cruelty being practiced while people are saying Olé! Isn't it time to stop all that? Please help to promote the petition to the UNESCO to declare the bulls as world human heritage to be protected. |
Huésped |
#15672012-05-02 22:41This is one of the most inhumane "sports" that has to be stopped. The suffering of the horses and bulls are too horrendous to even try to imagine the pain they go through. Please stop this you have the power. |
Huésped |
#15692012-05-02 23:48Seria estupido que la UNESCO declare patrimonio a los toros, mas bien deberian impulsar la verdadera cultura, deporte y buenas costumbres, mi desacuerdo y exigo prohibir las corridas de toros y toda clase de tortura o maltrato a los toros |
Huésped |
#15702012-05-02 23:58Cuando abres la página de la UNESCO lo primero que ves es: "Construir la paz en la mente de los hombres y de las mujeres" No puede haber paz en la tauromaquia, no puede ser eso el patrimonio de la humanidad |
Huésped |
#15722012-05-03 03:02Realmente no me explico como la UNESCO (Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura) puede pensar que un acto tan cruel y violento pueda ser declarado patrimonio de la humanidad. ¿Donde esta la parte educativa del asunto? |
Huésped |
#15732012-05-03 03:12You are nation with out a soul,sadly your children too.will never never ,never come to you country. |
Huésped |
#1574 Re:2012-05-03 03:14agree with every word,a nation with out a soul.the next generation growing on the same culture. |
Huésped |
#1575 Re:2012-05-03 03:17agree with every word. A nation behaving worse than a third world country. Back to the the roman arena for entertainment,except that happened a hundreds of years ago. A country with out a soul,will never never go there |
Yo apoyo al juez Eloy Velasco
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